• We are not an agent. We are directly partnered with one factory group that has multiple facilities in order to hit a range of product categories and budgets. This means that we do not tack on additional commission fees and benefit from loyal and reliable partners.

  • Yes we do! Marina, our founder, is a shoe designer with many years working with a broad assortment of aesthetics.. Additionally we have a team of designers on site at the factory’s headquarters in Asia. By subscribing to The Capsule you will receive monthly trend and design guides to help you plan your shoe collection.

  • Womens and Men’s dress and casual styles. Excellent capability in unisex fashion sneakers.

  • From the time an order is placed, we need 60 days to 120 days to produce depending on whether it is a new style or a reorder.

  • Our suppliers and factories have all been vetted and audited for quality, social and environmental compliances. Please advise if there are specific accreditations that you are looking for. We are happy to share all pertinent documentation.

  • It really depends on the price point of your shoes. Generally we start our quotes at 1k or 2k per style-however every brand and business is unique and we will always review various scenarios to make your orders work for your needs.

  • Yes we do. We will need to discuss your plans and intention for the business. Additionally we can provide footwear brand consultancy.

  • We would love to chat. You can book a time here

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